Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mariano'smargarita Mixorder

Roquefort-sur-Soulzon, much more than a good cheese!

Dear friends, in this new adventure I propose to leave behind this fascinating 'winter cruise' by regions of the Austrian Alps, Bavaria, German and French Alsace (see 'When winter comes the magic' ), which has given me so much satisfaction, to get into another region of the beautiful and profound France. This time, if you'll allow me, we will go to the people of 'Roquefort-sur-Soulzon' in the department of 'Aveyron - Middle Pyrenees', near the English border . In 'Gusplanet' we have visited this region ( see 'Bozouls and Garganta del Diablo in Aveyron '), known and appreciated by many visitors come not only for its wonderful landscapes and unique, but it also contains some of the most beautiful towns and villages of south-western France, evidence of centuries of occupation legendary human and 'know how' of its people. One explanation I swing when ask me why I live in France and not in another European country? is that besides work and personal reasons, I have learned here and elsewhere, to revalue and appreciate that 'savoir faire' people field this vast country. Since I live in Paris have substantially changed my taste gourmet and have learned to appreciate mainly processed products with great quality and expertise. ( Basically products that you all may be 'known' but I sat here: olive oils and all kinds of wine first, salads served with walnuts, raisins and pine nuts in Perigord, semi-salted butter from Brittany . game meat like rabbit, duck or quail in any neighborhood butcher. Herbes de Provence and the Camargue sea salt, cheese to accompany various dishes or served as part of the family menu, etc .) In France, I learned what the word means 'gourmand' and is something that accompanies me every day and even a fundamental part when I choose a destination. ( Although I'm sure I would have been the same if I lived in countries like Spain, Italy or Greece ...). a result have added to my personal diet those products previously seemed impossible to reach for their high costs or because they were not in my daily regimen.
And what one of those products I have built is nothing less than the 'Roquefort' , originally from a beautiful and quiet town called 'Roquefort-sur-Soulzon' , located in the 'Parque Natural de los Grandes Causses' , in the Aveyron region. This town owes its fame and rationale, the incredible blue cheese we all know as 'Roquefort' , originating in the caves of the rock mass of 'Combalou' and apparently known and appreciated since the time Romans. Legend has it that the shepherds of the area occupied since time immemorial natural caves located in this region and that housed their flocks in times of rain and other weather problems. One of those pastors appears that discovered by 'accident' that one of the cheeses' ordinary '( left by him several days ago in one of these caves and along a piece of bread ) had ' fermented ' through the work of a fungus is now known as ' Penicillium Roqueforti ' and is the origin of this delicious delicacies. The Roquefort cheese is a cheese 'appeal controlled' since the days of King Charles VI in the fifteenth century, when its production was protected and safeguarded its natural environment. It was not until 1925 when he obtained the first 'Application of Controlled Origin' in France and in 1996 the 'Protected Appellation of Origin' in the European Union. Exported to over 80 countries, Roquefort cheese ( so famous in the world, next to the 'champagne' as product 'typically French' ) is also recognized by the seal of 'Brevis Rouge' (Red Sheep ), appeal of local producers to establish quality controls and originality in the world. Also the people of 'Roquefort-sur-Soulzon' and surrounding region, which consists of less than 700 permanent residents and offers all the features necessary to care for the flocks of ewes 'Lacaune' and the establishment of a handful of companies engaged in perpetuating the legend of the famous blue cheese. is possible to visit some of these companies that make the roquefort and travel is essential not only makes us to know other information about the legend of this exquisite product, but also helps us discover the natural phenomenon from their caves, they offer throughout the year, the type of temperature and humidity for the manufacture of Roquefort. Personally visited the cellars of the company 'Societé' , founded in 1842 as 'Sociedad Civil de las Bodegas Reunidas' : a dynamic and highly instructive tour that over an hour and a half takes us into the heart of the craftsmanship and in the bowels of the famous wine cellars that have given so much popularity. This entertaining tour ends in the tasting area of \u200b\u200bthe different types of Roquefort cheese here are developed ( tasting cheeses, accompanied by homemade bread and a glass of red wine nothing, but nothing, despicable !) and the passage 'must have' the shop where we can find not only all varieties of cheese produced and as a host of top-quality regional products and processed in the traditional way.
Then I say I did not warned ... Bon appetit et sur well!
Quelques Notes: ah Mediterranean cuisine! That is one of the secrets of longevity and good life for much of the population living around the 'Mediterranean Basin. " A 'food' and a 'Way of eating' that, as the story here, I've learned to be a part of my everyday life. That's why I wanted to share with you, dear readers, a very well presented website, where you can expand the information (text and videos) on the people of Roquefort-sur-Louzon and the famous cheese gives renown. The page is called: 'Roquefort cheese, a village' and in paragraph 'food' we offer dozens of simple ways how you can use the blue cheese, accompany many dishes perhaps all know. To our best understanding, the page that mentioned the find in French, English and ... English. My favorite recipe? on these winter days I love to taste an apple pie with blue cheese melted on its surface, dessert that I find absolutely delicious!


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