The Lobster Girl Birthday
Lobster Girl 34 years old today. I do not seem too, are those that fulfill me in two months. Part of this endearing collection of Pisces girls that I spent to fall in love in the pre-teen (February 26 1928 February and finally 5 March), only the fascination lasted longer, so that even today, mother and wife if my sources do not fail me, I still remember that is his birthday and this has nothing to do with Mark Zuckerberg, but appreciate your effort.
remember especially his 17 years. There is a truism that says that if a girl is not beautiful at age 17 will not be ever. It seems to me bullshit, but maybe that has to do with whether I liked the girls today than 17 years would be very close to the crime as less than moral disapproval. The case: he turned 17 and celebrated in the Milky Way. We gave a book called "How to flirt with that guy who happens to you or you are doing the hard." The title I completely ruled out, but still got my 300 pesetas or whatever.
We returned home early, of course, remember that I was only 16 then. I think the only good thing is that we thirtysomethings into bars and get drunk and at that age and say that not all. Birthday started at 9 and we finished at 12, time to go Moratalaz. The DJ put "Birthday" by the Beatles. We were discovering the white disk.
The last time we met was in Barcelona seriously, I mean, we got to see after a couple of times, but it was all too fleeting and even violent. Friendship dead tastes like failure, I guess. We stayed in Central and bought a book, but I forget which. Perhaps one of Stefan Zweig. I am very Stefan Zweig buy books at the Lobster Girl and then come to my blog to talk about Mourinho. It looked a lot like his older sister, the memory I had of her older sister. It made sense. He was 30 and presumably would have ceased to be pretty, but it was not. A coffee and remember some moments. He said: "Do not you sometimes feel you've done things but you really were not there?"
was difficult to know when the Lobster Girl was or was not, it was still adorable. What the hell was Pisces, with that being said it all.
I started reading through it and write about her and then she disappeared and I was left with his hobbies borrowed without being able to return them. I think we get to discuss in four different countries. We never kissed. I do not remember that we were never close to kissing. Once bordered Hyde Park instead of through it, we wanted a hotel for one night and no one thought it was just for me.
never dreamed of living next to the Lobster Girl and Louise Hay certainly say that there was my mistake, but surely dreamed of better things yesterday. The kind of life leads you to give the hospital to visit someone because you have no time. A Pisces girl, well, intimate, fragile and their natural tendency to disappear. Anyway, I went with my grandfather. I said to myself: "Never take a life when you have something to do more important than seeing your grandfather in the hospital." And do not keep. And somehow, though I know that is true for all, I do not forgive.
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