Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sanyo Pro 700 Drivers

"It was an obsession that could only thrive cutlery in the middle of backwardness and extreme inequality in Peru. Sendero killed the people who wanted to save


A deep connection between bad taste and crime. It seems that the subtleties of the spirit are incompatible with the call for bloodshed.

For example, when Elena Yparraguirre Revoredo writes the book's foreword "handwritten" , her husband and sidekick funeral Abimael Guzman, demonstrates how intertwined are their passion for man, his admiration for the death and his taste for the Stalinist syntax. Mrs.

Yparraguirre writes in relation to his most beloved consort

"At the direction of People's War became: initiating, directing and developing it to achieve strategic balance and Leader of the Revolution . Party took the most prestigious of its history ... " (Criminal Chorrillos, July 2009).

infamous not say that anyone can write that could give the order to break with a truckload of ANFO a Tarata Street building.

But Mrs. Yparraguirre is not satisfied also massacring the language. It turns into a formalist lawyer it regrets that the judges included in your case and your partner "the prescribed Lucanamarca case."

"Prescribed? Is not that crimes against humanity do not prescribe?

The paradox is that in that same book is a transcription of Sendero Central Committee session of 1985. And it reads as follows:

"The Party said blow to the retinue in Lucanamarca, that reined in the retinues ..." (Page 22 of document).

So if you could be a doubt, this may clear: the more than sixty victims of Lucanamarca knife killed by the Shining Path, were "collateral damage" a decision "political" : savagely terrorizing the rural population not "be decided" by "People's War" . Ie pure mutant Maoism. Pol Pot in the Andes. Mrs. Yparraguirre

seeking recognition as a neutral historian when he says:

"... a political event as leading a revolution can not become a crime and needs to be resolved politically with a political solution: general amnesty and reconciliation national ... "
Was the crime of María Elena Moyano ? Was it political dynamite his body? Or was it a gesture fearfully territorial?

So were the 215 political killings, according to the Truth Commission , perpetrated Sendero Luminoso?

Yes, were political. But policies implemented in the framework of a criminal design, inherently murderous, the class struggle, the right and the popular conception of the State and Justice.

Path guerrillas was not popular. It was not the answer to a dictatorship that had closed legal avenues for debate and contention. Guzman

was not Tupac Amaru or Bolivar far Cáceres. Cutlery was an obsession that could only thrive in the extreme backwardness and inequality in Peru. Path , unlike the Movement July 26, killing the people who wanted to save. And speaking of bourgeois dictatorship when he wanted to impose was the cemetery of Phnom Penh .

I browsed the book Guzmán-full of procedural documents and heaviness "doctrinaire" - and have not found a word repentance.

the contrary, exudes pride and narcissistic amnesia. A superb late pathological in many of its pages. There is a history book but a psychiatric testimony. He does not deserve the hype with which some fools have made best seller. ===============================

reaction César Hildebrandt I think it is shared by all the Democrats who reject bluntly, directly and head-hikers and the whole damn terrorism and any terrorist expression.
Terrorism and bloodied and delayed mourned the country for many years, with billions of dollars in losses, which is always the hardest hit were the more humble social strata of our suffering Peru.
terrorism showed that our political class for decades that is corrupt, no ideas, Aneta and debased. To date, this finding has not been deleted or altered or has been overcome and we kidnapped by a political class that is the truth of truths that keeps the delay to a wonderful country, so rich and envied for its resources natural and human, as in the ancient Peru.
terrorism was defeated by a group of Peruvian exceptional, without support, without resources, but with professionalism, intelligence, determination and patriotism were able to capture, reduce and corner a movement murderer, demented, criminal and deviant by Peruvians guided awful and crazy in their own mediocrity and ideological dogmatism clumsy and sickly.
is proven that the fujimontesinismo kleptocratic regime led by the State criminal sentenced Alberto Fujimori and senior partner and númen Vladimiro Montesinos Torres talked to the insane leader SL Abimael Guzmán Reinoso not only talked but in fact, agreed to arrangements to be met and are still being met.
is proven that the Alans since the nineties remains firm and strong covenant with fujimontesinismo , - (Alani leaders guided the organization and party structure of fujimontesinismo , Agustín Mantilla as a senior leader of the party or PAP agreed with fujimontesinismo and gave the APRA party to criminal corruption fujimontesinista , Jorge Del Castillo Gálvez -ex Prime Minister, and Aurelio Pastor Valdivieso -present Minister of Justice, signed 'contract' by 'purchase ' of an office of the Pension Fund Military Police in 1996 . He is now justice minister resigned from the party or PAP written, the congressman and minister met alana Aurelio Pastor was an adviser to a known high character of fujimontesinismo as was former Congressman Reategui precisely to advise the fujimontesinismo 'resigned' the PAP , and so many Alans pictures served the regime's kleptocratic fujimontesinismo all across the country and would take too long to list all names and titles, they were already mentioned in the press on several occasions, and now all that machinery alana-fujimontesinista again already perched on the PAP as if nothing had happened, and the best pictures of the marquinaria are taking now, high charges from Prime Minister to officials of great importance in this government alan) - and the covenant fujimontesinista alana-effective to date can be verified without any difficulty, - (but remember that for the election of Javier Velásquez Quesquén the presidency of the Congress went to the same prison sentenced for crimes of state Alberto Fujimori a Minister of State Alan as Luis Alva Castro ) -.
Therefore, if Vladimiro Montesinos and Alberto Fujimori have a maximum of longing, hope and determination, "is easily deduced, which is elected President of the Republic Keiko Fujimori to go free from prison, and, inasmuch as Alan García and all mastiff could not be better and greater ally that Keiko Fujimori Pizarro in the chair to be able to see free honest judges that processed and carried to prison for a series of alleged crimes, then I believe unequivocally that all this media-political context: Deaths in VRAE , drug trafficking and terrorist attacks, Defense Minister Opus Dei 'greening of hiking in the Universities', the publication of the book of Abimael Guzman and related developments more. Therefore, this corresponds to a single strategy: Paving the way to the presidency of the republic Keiko Fujimori.
If such a strategy will be successful political media alana-fujimontesinista is something else, just put in evidence what my political science training in sound doctrine dictates to me and advised me.
Lima, Tuesday, 15 September 2009


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