Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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2 º Encuentro "Faced with teacher control" DECLARATION OF SAN LORENZO

2 º Encuentro "battlefront teacher"



Saturday, 03 October

Location: UEPC. May 25 427 - Córdoba

Time: 9 am to 12.30hs

Attendees wear!

-Proposals to move faster and be presented as agenda.

- Mates to share.

Contacts: 0351 156643423 (Gerardo Mesquida)

03525 495010 (Omar Toledo)

03 525 468 974 (Martin D'Olivo)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

How Can I Do Premium Content Dragon Age


It's the nature of Globalization, transnational corporations that take ownership of the commons mislabeled natural resources. The consequences of these policies are: the devastation of ecosystems at the global level, the depopulation of vast territories, the extinction of rural life and the submission of the countries and their corporations to the needs of the new global markets. In our country, like many others, these policies have impacted with impunity, ignoring the Constitution and its laws, affecting life so brutal populations and eradicating poverty urban peripheries, always with the support and participation of officials, technicians and scientists, earned from his academic training for large-scale ideas, of unlimited progress and worship to technologies.

We met in the city of San Lorenzo, movements and organizations that fight against the spraying, those who fight against mega mining, urban industrial pollution, by new policies on treatment of waste, the preservation of glaciers, the proponents of sustainable production models, those who question the postulated growth projects and to respect the regional economies, struggling to stay on earth and those who are struggling to return to land. Men and women of the urban and rural, environmentalists and farmers, peasants and indigenous peoples, environmental and new poor exiles, generated by a system of theft and looting, by a systematic pattern of rural unemployment, pollution and urbanization forced .

San Lorenzo is not an ordinary city, is the focal point of coincidence of soy routes, mining and trafficking is the vortex of a funnel which called agro-export model and new mining, where bleeds every day Homeland of Argentines. And if we dare from the town of San Lorenzo to emphasize the memories of a common country, reports neglected and despised in the imagination of public policy and civic education, is that precisely in this land of San Lorenzo, was the first battle of the patriots against the English Empire in South America. We feel the ghostly presence of those heroes of yesterday, here today in this struggle we lead.

land in San Lorenzo , began the story of the emancipation of South America. These efforts have not ended, its aims and purposes are not only outstanding, but, are still far from fulfilled, and waiting for new generations resume lovable those flags. In the same area where San Martin made his first cavalry charge has been filed today corporations granaries, huge silos within the urban area, private ports, the vast esplanade park and await thousands of trucks, loading terminals where the minerals come from distant Alumbrera, the new biofuel plants and countless soybean processing mills and oil for export. San Lorenzo is the epicenter of a colonial model not yet have a Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz, who harshly exposed to the political consciousness of the Argentines.

For the first time in the heart of the country's extractive The presence of many comrades in the most remote regions, shows us in the streets the way that we continue to affirm our rejection of this model of pollution and death. We here in San Lorenzo, and from here take our people's will to resist the colonial model and stay in the struggle for sovereignty.


Those who have come to San Lorenzo, Santa Fe, from all corners of the Argentina for this meeting of people sprayed and the Union of Citizens Assemblies, we seen, the many environmental problems suffered by residents of this town and are the result of political and business agreements that make up a constant impunity. San Lorenzo is a city occupied by giant silos, and stockpiles of pesticides and fertilizers, imposing Biofuel plants, oil with solvent extraction involving huge benzene tanks, attached to houses and as if all this were not enough urban hell, permanent caravan of trucks through the streets of the slum, heading for the private port where they unload, as well as trains from distant Alumbrera bring the port metalliferous rocks and mud from the entrails of Catamarca.

Pollution in San Lorenzo unbearable, the smell of solvents and pesticides permeates everything, the air is vitiated by poisoned dust is the result of processes drying in huge silos as high as skyscrapers, the rarefied atmosphere toxic for truckers to protect their cargo of weevils and abandon on the streets of the neighborhoods before entering the plant are everywhere. From the high cliffs we see dozens of ships awaiting loading transgenic beans and flour to bring the distant ports in Europe and China. While they wait for draining their cellars. They bring them full of water from rivers and seas in distant ports where ballast load. These procedures should do so before entering the Rio de la Plata , but the rule does not exist to defend one's wealth of biodiversity, drain with impunity while they wait. In these waters emptied to make room in the warehouses, are bacteria, larvae, fungi, eggs and all kinds of tiny beings beyond our biological diversity. The existence of exotic flora and fauna is already a serious problem in the area: mussels, snakes, mosquitoes have never seen it everyday, probably in the balance of the river microscopic imbalances have yet to be much stronger still. Gullies on the other hand, the collapse irreparably undermined by countless passing ships and the new drafts of the river required a constant traffic.

Perhaps one of the most emblematic of contamination while intrusion of corporations into the urban fabric is ACA Asociación de Cooperativas Argentinas, which occupies the historic site with their silos and wharf in the same place where it were the first combat homeland. This company has purchased land ten kilometers from the urban area, but delayed his reinstatement, protected by municipal and provincial power. On 26 April of 2002 noon ACA plant exploded causing panic in the surrounding area and damage to buildings and people in a wide radius. Several are dead on the ground witness to the violence and the risks that still remain outstanding.

We, members of the Campaign Stop Spraying and the Union of Citizens Assemblies, all militants against pollution and against looting, we return to our places scattered throughout Argentina, extremely concerned about the situation we experienced in San Lorenzo, a situation of severe pollution of impunity and violence on people is unacceptable that we accept. We demand that they give responses to complaints from neighbors of San Lorenzo and pledge to replicate across the country these allegations.

Campaign Stop Spraying and UAC, Union of Citizens Assemblies in San Lorenzo, Province of Santa Fe, the meeting September 13, 2009. Adhere to this document by acclamation to support neighboring San Lorenzo , all these groups.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lots Of Clear Snot Like Cervical Mucus

Please insert OUR BLOGS IN THEIR NEW LINK "YSODIGITAL" - they appreciate the deference

Dear friends, we communicate to all our very kind and loyal fans to please serve with us in the new blog we're opening and whose address is:
We ask that you take note of this address so you can join again, where we will continue with the same line and the same effect.
This blog will be open to the public, and continue our work to inform and send our modest post through the new blog we're announcing.
We apologize for any inconvenience they might cause.
Lima, Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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"It was an obsession that could only thrive cutlery in the middle of backwardness and extreme inequality in Peru. Sendero killed the people who wanted to save


A deep connection between bad taste and crime. It seems that the subtleties of the spirit are incompatible with the call for bloodshed.

For example, when Elena Yparraguirre Revoredo writes the book's foreword "handwritten" , her husband and sidekick funeral Abimael Guzman, demonstrates how intertwined are their passion for man, his admiration for the death and his taste for the Stalinist syntax. Mrs.

Yparraguirre writes in relation to his most beloved consort

"At the direction of People's War became: initiating, directing and developing it to achieve strategic balance and Leader of the Revolution . Party took the most prestigious of its history ... " (Criminal Chorrillos, July 2009).

infamous not say that anyone can write that could give the order to break with a truckload of ANFO a Tarata Street building.

But Mrs. Yparraguirre is not satisfied also massacring the language. It turns into a formalist lawyer it regrets that the judges included in your case and your partner "the prescribed Lucanamarca case."

"Prescribed? Is not that crimes against humanity do not prescribe?

The paradox is that in that same book is a transcription of Sendero Central Committee session of 1985. And it reads as follows:

"The Party said blow to the retinue in Lucanamarca, that reined in the retinues ..." (Page 22 of document).

So if you could be a doubt, this may clear: the more than sixty victims of Lucanamarca knife killed by the Shining Path, were "collateral damage" a decision "political" : savagely terrorizing the rural population not "be decided" by "People's War" . Ie pure mutant Maoism. Pol Pot in the Andes. Mrs. Yparraguirre

seeking recognition as a neutral historian when he says:

"... a political event as leading a revolution can not become a crime and needs to be resolved politically with a political solution: general amnesty and reconciliation national ... "
Was the crime of María Elena Moyano ? Was it political dynamite his body? Or was it a gesture fearfully territorial?

So were the 215 political killings, according to the Truth Commission , perpetrated Sendero Luminoso?

Yes, were political. But policies implemented in the framework of a criminal design, inherently murderous, the class struggle, the right and the popular conception of the State and Justice.

Path guerrillas was not popular. It was not the answer to a dictatorship that had closed legal avenues for debate and contention. Guzman

was not Tupac Amaru or Bolivar far Cáceres. Cutlery was an obsession that could only thrive in the extreme backwardness and inequality in Peru. Path , unlike the Movement July 26, killing the people who wanted to save. And speaking of bourgeois dictatorship when he wanted to impose was the cemetery of Phnom Penh .

I browsed the book Guzmán-full of procedural documents and heaviness "doctrinaire" - and have not found a word repentance.

the contrary, exudes pride and narcissistic amnesia. A superb late pathological in many of its pages. There is a history book but a psychiatric testimony. He does not deserve the hype with which some fools have made best seller. ===============================

reaction César Hildebrandt I think it is shared by all the Democrats who reject bluntly, directly and head-hikers and the whole damn terrorism and any terrorist expression.
Terrorism and bloodied and delayed mourned the country for many years, with billions of dollars in losses, which is always the hardest hit were the more humble social strata of our suffering Peru.
terrorism showed that our political class for decades that is corrupt, no ideas, Aneta and debased. To date, this finding has not been deleted or altered or has been overcome and we kidnapped by a political class that is the truth of truths that keeps the delay to a wonderful country, so rich and envied for its resources natural and human, as in the ancient Peru.
terrorism was defeated by a group of Peruvian exceptional, without support, without resources, but with professionalism, intelligence, determination and patriotism were able to capture, reduce and corner a movement murderer, demented, criminal and deviant by Peruvians guided awful and crazy in their own mediocrity and ideological dogmatism clumsy and sickly.
is proven that the fujimontesinismo kleptocratic regime led by the State criminal sentenced Alberto Fujimori and senior partner and númen Vladimiro Montesinos Torres talked to the insane leader SL Abimael Guzmán Reinoso not only talked but in fact, agreed to arrangements to be met and are still being met.
is proven that the Alans since the nineties remains firm and strong covenant with fujimontesinismo , - (Alani leaders guided the organization and party structure of fujimontesinismo , Agustín Mantilla as a senior leader of the party or PAP agreed with fujimontesinismo and gave the APRA party to criminal corruption fujimontesinista , Jorge Del Castillo Gálvez -ex Prime Minister, and Aurelio Pastor Valdivieso -present Minister of Justice, signed 'contract' by 'purchase ' of an office of the Pension Fund Military Police in 1996 . He is now justice minister resigned from the party or PAP written, the congressman and minister met alana Aurelio Pastor was an adviser to a known high character of fujimontesinismo as was former Congressman Reategui precisely to advise the fujimontesinismo 'resigned' the PAP , and so many Alans pictures served the regime's kleptocratic fujimontesinismo all across the country and would take too long to list all names and titles, they were already mentioned in the press on several occasions, and now all that machinery alana-fujimontesinista again already perched on the PAP as if nothing had happened, and the best pictures of the marquinaria are taking now, high charges from Prime Minister to officials of great importance in this government alan) - and the covenant fujimontesinista alana-effective to date can be verified without any difficulty, - (but remember that for the election of Javier Velásquez Quesquén the presidency of the Congress went to the same prison sentenced for crimes of state Alberto Fujimori a Minister of State Alan as Luis Alva Castro ) -.
Therefore, if Vladimiro Montesinos and Alberto Fujimori have a maximum of longing, hope and determination, "is easily deduced, which is elected President of the Republic Keiko Fujimori to go free from prison, and, inasmuch as Alan García and all mastiff could not be better and greater ally that Keiko Fujimori Pizarro in the chair to be able to see free honest judges that processed and carried to prison for a series of alleged crimes, then I believe unequivocally that all this media-political context: Deaths in VRAE , drug trafficking and terrorist attacks, Defense Minister Opus Dei 'greening of hiking in the Universities', the publication of the book of Abimael Guzman and related developments more. Therefore, this corresponds to a single strategy: Paving the way to the presidency of the republic Keiko Fujimori.
If such a strategy will be successful political media alana-fujimontesinista is something else, just put in evidence what my political science training in sound doctrine dictates to me and advised me.
Lima, Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mooshie On Tiffany Granath Show

"In journalism there is no iron rules. Are somewhat elastic. Mix in the decision ethics and taste our (and sorry) ": R Kapuscinski


Arturo Cano
La Jornada

The inspiration and enthusiasm, said the journalism teacher, is a fire that the time off. The reporter must prepare for it. Be curious. Interested in things. Read, read, read.

Under the guise of Prince of Asturias Prize, which has been recently awarded with the Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez - published some reflections of the legendary Polish journalist on a trade that has had as few

Often the young reporter Ryszard Kapuscinski , slave news agency, could not choose the place from which to tell the world. The old master Kapucinski , with its facade of village doctor, friendly and good-natured, uncomfortable with his tie yet formal, and decide where you want to jump-start their curiosity.

Sitting at the table with journalists and students convened by Jose Carreno Carlon , Ricardo -thus it must be called when you are in Mexico, "he says without any hint of arrogance: " I decided if I was going to give another workshop would be where I decide " . And Richard decided it would be in Argentina, a country that has given it lacked friends but that his eyes scrutinize the "best reporter of the twentieth century" .

Before traveling to Argentina, in September 2002, passed by Mexico, on his second visit in less than a year after 23 of not pushing the land.

In October 2001 a workshop was organized by the Fundación Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano , the Inter-American Development Bank and Universidad Iberoamericana. The free version of their words that gives readers Masiosare -studded dialogue, comes some of that workshop and a meal on his second visit. ***

- What song you remember, Richard?

-Paloma Negra, with Lola Beltran (who knew). And this other cutu ...
dove ... "That

. ***

In war, the only way for a reporter to know if what you say is true is to go directly to the scene. Many times I reported this or that place had been taken, and by government forces, and by the guerrillas. Almost always the opposite happened.

If he had believed in the official reports, Israel had lost three times his army and his Egyptian five times during the 1967 war. ***

(About Rwanda) They sent reporters to places you never knew where they were. It was, however, a war "very rational" , was for land, a war of farmers versus farmers in a small country.

was a conflict in the real economy for survival. Then came the correspondents from around the world to say to the people: 'them niggas crazy irrational, they are fools, they are idiots. "

All to show that Africa is a land of fools, idiots land. They knew where they were. The first thing he did was use their cell phones. ***

To understand something, go into another culture. It is never possible to 100%, but we must try. To capture this otherness is to be open, ready.

*** (in journalism) there are no iron rules. Are somewhat elastic.

decision was mixed in ethics and taste our (how I feel). ***

- period inevitably becomes cynical?

I do not think. What happens is that people entering our profession and of itself is cynical, motivated people who enter money, career, it has nothing to do with our vocation. Our profession is becoming more sensitive and vulnerable. ***

is important to the sense of not knowing. It's a natural thing in a world ever more complicated, more again.

If the text is not bad questions. The contemporary reader also lives in a complicated world. ***

Reporters are poachers from other fields, we have to take things out of other branches of sociology, history, anthropology ... We have to make the reader feel the author has a comprehensive education. ***

Inspiration enthusiasm, is a fire that eventually turns off. If we are not prepared for that moment to be missed. Get ready for this moment now. Read, read, read. Interested.

Many friends that for me were the gods of the profession disappeared, nobody knows where they are. They did not develop by themselves, do not read, did not participate in discussions, thought they had everything themselves. ***

If journalists confine ourselves to our daily duties we are lost. ***

As representatives of this new branch of literature (the journalists) have two great enemies: 1) The writers of fiction who do not want admitted to reporters at his home, 2) The 'pure journalists' , people moving around the media world, but for various reasons do not have this desire to do something that is not pure news pure information. They are simply trying journalism as a way of earning a living or spend with age to be officials or businessmen.

course, not all journalism is literature. The first criterion is the quality of the text. ***

Journalism is a profession very paradoxical. The reporter is a loner, which is always in contact with new people, new places and on the other side is always dependent on others.

the report, the first contact is always important, 15 minutes of our behavior that we're going to do. The first contact must be of a very intense relationship. ***

The behavior of the reporter has to be simple, sincere and humble. The people are very susceptible to arrogance. Our interlocutor is first a human being is not our subject, is someone who has his own world. ***

I am against aggressive interviews. I prefer to create a trust situation, I listen if he wants to say.

*** Our office is full of mysteries before which we have no answer. We always start again. We are always in a learning situation. No masters. ***

The strength of the text is in the tension between what is written and what is not (as an opera singer, who always appreciate because we know the potential is greater).

In a sense it is not written is as important as what is written. Each text is a composition, a creation. ***

Ebony had to write a library of 220 books ... and an experience of 40 years. ***

The powerful never interested me much. It is a type of people who can not tell you anything interesting, only tells you things bureaucratic. ***

Reporters are a group of very special people who devote their time, attention, ambitions, to meet the demands of our profession.

is a job that requires seriousness, concentration and reflection. Eventually

can aspire to belong to a certain aristocracy, but this work does not give money.

*** A good story? You can write up a month and that is very little money. Making money is only possible at the expense of quality.

experience they win those who prefer to work without money, those who prefer to drive.


To cite quotes need to be almost brilliant phrases. One narrator is always better than the interviewee. ***

(The writer) is an instrument which requires great care. Faced with the recorder townspeople talk about a very official, not a natural language. Almost lose touch with this natural.

When a reporter used the recorder too focused on what the other says. When degreasing is that 90% is junk. Listening, select the most important things. With the recorder Sorry we do not need this job.

"Do not need full brain Gabriel García Márquez. ***

I often limited in my descriptions because the reader would say 'that's not possible' , so horrible things omitted. There is more than reality, but is less than the reality, which is much more terrible ... The silence says more times. It is not hidden. Is to express the same through other resources, through an atmosphere that expresses all the horror. ***

The agency is a factory slave. There is no freedom, language skills are very poor. So I started writing books. The offices of the agency were 600 or 800 words, with language official.

Each book of mine is actually the second volume of a first that does not exist: the notes I wrote to the agency. ***

Occasionally only had $ 100 and had to write about a coup. The telex cost 50 cents per word. Where, what forces, what happened, all I had to write in 200 words. ***

The agency worked like crazy. I had to pay that price to write my stories. I was aware that it was. ***

The reporter has to move with great concentration. Trying to memorize everything. Think: 'Possibly this is the only time in my life where I'm going to meet this man, this woman, the only time I'm here ' . So you have to be very intense. ***

journalistic tradition is based on Anglo 'objectivity' . In contrast, the European school, the journalist is someone who takes part.

Anglo-Saxon tradition in journalism is conceived as 'other powers' and that is why he can not take part. Hence the difference in American journalism, including the reporter and columnist.

In Europe, this difference does not exist, because Europe was born as a partisan press. And the position assumed is clearly said, not hiding anything: the journalist has to take part and be active member of his society.

The Anglo-Saxon press, of course, take sides, but does not openly hidden.

In Latin America, the big media owners are on the side of objective journalism, because that's not criticism, not expressed any disagreement with government policies. ***

September (2002) I was in New York. I was amazed at the great unanimity of the major American media; I recalled the time when the CPSU Central Committee controlled all information. ***

Paradoxically, read too little. Why criticize us very often, because we write or 'know' on everything. One day in agriculture, another war, another of sports. It should try to specialize in something for two reasons: to have your group of readers and build your group of loyal readers. But more importantly, in today's world there are lots of books on any subject. It is very difficult to find a new theme. It is a civilization that reached its limits in many ways.

must know what already written. If we want something from us, we must begin with readings.

If we write is to say something really new and different way to other authors. ***

Typing all that you know the result will be very bad, very skinny. You must write 5% of what is known.

I used to write Empire 5% of what he knew. ***

A book is written in three levels:

1) It is in the mind but needs time to mature.

2) started to think more concretely on the issue. In my case: I read a lot, look for witnesses. You can also take years.

3) Write. Very specific in my case. A lot of concentration and without pausing. The most important thing is to find a good rhythm. Once found, the rhythm is like the waves of the sea. ***

When writing the first page (the text that would become Emperor), I realized that this story had already written many times. I have this to say otherwise. I did not know what to do. Two months passed before I could do anything. The editor was pursuing me because Christmas was coming and they wanted to publish the story in one of the special editions of those dates. I went into a depression, almost suicidal, I was very desperate.

When I'm in that situation, trying to understand, step one book to another, but nothing.

I have a custom: when you do not know how to start a book I try to choose the easiest decision you can imagine, as children's book (in the manner of 'Alice has a cat' ).

One day I suddenly remembered that I saw the Emperor on several occasions with a small dog always on his lap. And I wrote the first sentence: "That was a Japanese dog breed. Her name was Lu."

When I wrote that sentence I thought I had the book.


Del lot of notes that I took only fit in my book. My notes political, economic and military lost all meaning and value. And with these short stories built this box. The book ( Emperor), of course, is building mine, but the voices are real. ***

Each week I gave a piece (the text that became the book Emperor). And fortunately there the trouble began. Everyone was surprised because they expected a report 'classic' and the dog suddenly appeared Haile Selassie and were very dissatisfied. In the second week the editor asked me 'When you start writing the story? "

But some began to understand: power, dictatorship ... and began calling the Central Committee: 'What are you posting? "

People read it as a portrait of the Polish ruling elite. Emperor sold out in one night. ***

Kapuscinski handwritten. Although his pen have left more than 20 books says: I write very little. Sentence that I put on paper and does not change, so goes to press.

(Text published on May 11, 2003, at number 281 of the Sunday supplement Masiosare of La Jornada ) ==========
How important evoke the master of journalism Kapuscinski Ricardo who shared prizes with renowned Peruvian priest Gustavo Gutiérrez. The teachings of this master are gold, diamonds and rubies.
Honestly, I always liked Kapuscinski four issues I have always present:
1) The ability to be dynamic and flexible in terms of journalism practice and ethics without losing the style, but quite the contrary accentuate and contrast. Pointing out that your conscience should always be a spring morning, with scented flowers and sunshine.
2) Focus on human speech and spontaneous in your interview (by whomsoever), respect and avoid ambushes, I always liked that rule, and am a little enemy to show the recorder to my interviewees, because they have respect and mutates his speech.
3) journalist I respect the religious (humanist) and updated essences never stop reading and heights, always believe that the journalist will be a religious and humanistic character and importance in society and in and for the profession.
The journalist who does not read or are illiterate, for me to always be a danger to oneself as a neighborhood or competition because often the ethics and principles will not have the grandeur and the cardinality that cult journalist and humanist and cultivated.
4) The European school of journalism is what has always been my love, - (so far I am fan of documentaries Deutch Weller) - because I think and I known to be the most profound, more transparent, more beautiful, more professional. I like being part of the story, commit to it, so my practice of journalism I have called: JOURNALISM OF SOCIAL COMMITMENT , European journalism school because that is my strong point of reference.
current European newspaper has a lengthy history culture, fight, argument, critical thinking. The European Journalism shield was made and blood, persecution, hardship and a thousand tears, because it's journalism that is rooted party, and that if it is deep, pugnacious, dynamic and dying, but of course, committed, fearless and vibrant journalism.
The Anglo-Saxon journalism, "which is what was implemented in Peru," lends itself to corruption Mephistopheles, to the elegant sobonería, for cynicism imperceptible to the stiff formalísimo and deception and media scam like substance. This current journalistic Anglo-Saxon, it seems to me to be like those naughty nuns look, serious from the waist up and very happy from the waist down.
Lima, Monday, 14 September 2009