The GRR against WFC
Front World Forestry Congress (WFC) we called from the GRR, the defense the mountain, forest and jungle. We are called to become aware of new threats and to pen. We have also met to evaluate our current ecosystems torn or in a state of extreme danger and to reflect on the deepening of the global extractive career also speculates on our territory. This time, we proposed large-scale industrial forestry, a commercial project that do not hesitate to see a strong continuity of the worst practices and attacks against Nature and populations that have suffered so far . Further still, we believe that forestry agribusiness monocultures are proposing, even more dangerous than soy.
neocolonial relations in Corporations Transnational and global capitalism down our country, trying to replace the values \u200b\u200bof life by accounting equations. Thus, imposing criteria of growth and scale, which pays tribute to technology and progress, total loss, with every promise of justice, the objective of providing the good living of our peoples. The political result of these submissions of the leaders of the criteria of global power and the new national agencies are the widespread loss of identity and a widespread unhappiness, as well as a huge ecological debt that mortgages the surrounding environment and threatens the fate of future generations ...
CFM Front [1] misleading advertising and backed by the highest officials of the Nation , reaffirm that the biodiverse native forests and woodlands, are the basis of life on the planet and tree plantations are "forests" as we say it, but are merely tree plantations [2] . Forests always contain fauna and flora within them, but they are also the natural habitat of native and peasant peoples. It would be impossible to imagine the mountain, forest or jungle without the presence of a man with roots and a culture adapted to the circumstances of the habitat and production models on a local scale. Not so with the monocultures of trees, no matter what kind they are. Life in front of them back, folds, the human is absent and biodiversity disappears. In monocultures of trees, the monotony of the plantation is imposed on the party of diversity in Nature. From this perspective, talking to recover a forest is much more than planting trees, any tree, anywhere. In this sense it seems painful and misleading ceremony back to CFM by the Minister Defense Nilda Garre some soldiers planting a tree in a military site, and we reiterate that this is not about planting trees, but the landing of the forest on land agribusiness of soybean production. Also rejected the announced use of lands administered by the Armed Forces [3] for the same purpose. Instead, we propose to give examples of protecting biodiversity and food sovereignty, starting with its surroundings.
post at this stage of globalization, certificates and alleged market knowledge societies, the areas devoted to green makeup and the complicity of various colors, seem to be the new rule. In particular, the large NGOs have gradually become accomplices of new policies designed from Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate . They are served by a environmentalism [4] willing to cover the new mechanisms of international control and prevent awareness by the population. In our countries, where the idea of \u200b\u200bsovereignty seems to have been deleted from the speeches and political agendas, there is nevertheless ample room to install themes such as biotechnology sovereignty. It is ultimately the rights they claim our leadership associated with corporations, dispose of the royalties and patent for the new custom-made scientific production and strategies in science and business research, in order to replicate on other countries The same pattern of contamination and looting that has been imposed in Argentina.
We and GRR, the networks of partner organizations that led to organize in defense of the mountain, forest and jungle, we should move forward in terms of thought to investigate the mechanisms of these new colonial transnational Short put the new international equations subordination of its unacceptable divisions of labor, and reveal the ideological mechanisms that prevent us from understanding what happens to us. We should be able to meet and anticipate the multidisciplinary teams of companies that are co-opting the discourses, appropriating and giving a new meaning the concepts with which we were driving until yesterday. Their think tanks are not idle, and have managed change and sustainable development co-opted to their speeches, the "mechanisms Clean Development amounting ultimately to a similar trap. The same, when they argue that the pristine forests no longer exist, that they can be categorized now as degraded forests, and that this entitles them to the companies to continue clearing. Again, get with the provisions above Nature and instead of cure or recovery, we propose only to continue the devastation. But we over awkward or misleading arguments, we have the tremendous force of reality and the need to restore ecosystems, truths that are born in the tormented incarnation of Latin America, subject to the rules impious pollution and looting, while our will to survive.
Faced with liars must redefine speeches, most especially, the concept of sustainability , and we must remember from ecology and climate change due to the process of pollution that causes global capitalism. If we are unable to state that ecological sustainability is always and absolutely must separate the concept of profitability, we like many others who are lost in speeches that merely extol the alleged social or economic and social sustainability. In recent speeches have more to do with the criteria of profitability and technocratic control have placed us in the present situation of extreme danger in which we live, and now, become obsolete and have little to do with the struggle of peoples for survival. These speeches are perfectly functional operating systems tax.
The greatest thinkers in man always put their concerns on how to deal with his ravings, their problems, their unhappiness or ignorance. Today the rule of management science drowns Nature and does not affect humans. The question we ask is: who are the ones who decide who is expendable? The first world decides, in fact ... They are creating this model of domination and business, are co-inhabitants of the world, but large-scale decide what will happen to the world ... In a globalized world governed by rules rail of consumerism, war industry and extractive systems, which consume less, would necessarily be the expendable, the new wretched of the earth ...
Revolution Bio and Nano technology is now sold to us is the direct continuation of the Revolution Green "agriculture applied in war criteria, toxic inputs and mechanization resulting from the two world wars. Alleged that Green Revolution and then biotechnology has produced hunger, displacement, and untold misery in a world dragged into a process of serious and growing climate change and environmental disasters. The latest information refer to the number of hungry exceeded a billion people. And the process of expulsion of peasant populations from their territories, continues to accelerate, and so these processes increases catastrophic food insecurity. In an era of resource depletion fossils, we could assume that the completion of the great source of energy that meant and still means oil to humanity cause collapses difficult to predict, and this model casts territories tax their populations and huge megalopolis surrounded by huge conurbations of poverty and overcrowding, can mean a terrible trap for a large part of the world's population, irrevocably doomed in these terms to his death.
Our experience is that over recent years in Argentina has developed from companies or from entrenched cliques in the apparatus of officials, critical of state policies. However, knowledge of these policies are reserved only to the experts, even many of the leaders in charge of enforcing them, know, or are aware of its implications. The governments of Argentina, , under the new corporate domains can not transparent targets given their leaders accomplices could not afford the subordinates for committing them and that have little to do with his public political discourse. Even more so, elected politicians not only realize their bases what they do, they do not even allow those who vote in the townships, learn what the functions they perform as deputies or senators or committees what they do. Instead of studying the multiple consequences, complex analysis is replaced by environmental impact studies handled administrative savvy, but from the social and irresponsible from the ecological. Similar to the mechanisms of a military coup, a system of secrecy and complicity systematically undermined democracy and keeps controlled political life and shadows in the necessary information to the interpretation of the facts, a life low-intensity political participation in that vast areas of knowledge are invisible or persistently silenced. This form of politics is a way of privatization of politics. Is asphyxiation drowning technocratic public life. In the case of the recent World Forestry Congress did exactly that. They met about five thousand people of various countries, but the Argentine media published but very few lines about it, and despite the enormous support received from the highest authorities of the Government, the largest enclave of agribusiness forest was reason analysis-and even less critical, by the political press. Media opted for the simplifications that characterize public relations.
For the next United Nations summit in Denmark to discuss protocols to Combat Climate Change, is exactly the same. The public instructions of the Ministry of Agriculture to Foreign Ministry usually sufficiently bland and abstract, such as recommending a greater food security in the world, by mechanisms of productive efficiency, while ensuring free trade without further disabilities. This is masking the master plan of corporate interests, which is to promote GM propose direct seeding the market for carbon credits and continue with the unqualified support of the Argentina to the World Trade .
We as GRR, we focus on the small scale, as favorable evidence, achieved in different parts of the world and also by our own experiences. We are certain that only small scales are likely to survive in a world in a state of disaster, and also be sustainable. It is moreover obvious that small self-sustaining communities differ in their resilience of large clusters of people, dependent as much energy as food supplies from remote areas. Suggest local production and local consumption. From this perspective, the only mitigation possible and real, is to end dependence on large markets and large distances.
Meanwhile, despite the unquestionable evidence of the ever-increasing hunger in the world and in Argentina itself, the long circus between the government and the Bureau Liaison concluded with a ending to the tax system. In the procession to Lujan, all players fraternised so hypocritical. These agreements have been successful in a new Ministry ostensibly ruled by men of business granaries and agricultural exports. It is vital to the system established by the Argentina that the image and political discourses conceal the corporate agribusiness model based on the extraction and production systems for commodities, biofuels and now planted trees. In the cover and in these simulations, lies the possibility of continuing to serve as a beachhead for transnational corporations at the international level, while operating as a progressive in domestic policy. Unravel this apparent schizophrenia which hides the new submissions agreed to by a leadership renegade of his land and its origins, is an important part of the struggle that we have proposed to restore a national project in Argentina with a Food Sovereignty and Social Justice.
GRR Grupo de Reflexión Rural
November 2009 First
[1] The XIII World Forestry Congress held in Buenos Aires from 18 to 23 October. While the board has no executive functions, their recommendations are taken into account by governments and international organizations in formulating their policies on environment and forestry. Notably for the first time this conference included a round of business. There 205 companies participated in the five continents and close deals for $ 36 million.
[2] To encourage forestry, Chamber of Deputies approved ten-year extension of the law 25,080 Investment in Forestry. The extension, passed in November 2008, had the support of Carlos Cheppi from Secretary of AGPyA and was led by Senators Urquia Capitanich and others who presented the bill.
[4] An example is the initiative to form the Association FSC in the Argentina , that expected to become the national certification endorsed by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). C oordinada by Emiliano Ezcurra (former Greenpeace), the association promotes forest certification system based on international standards. It would be a "green" label, as "responsible" soy, backed by alleged environmental organizations.