Thursday, November 12, 2009

Brunton Range Finder Reviews

March for Land, Water, and Forests

We convened in defense of the mountain, water and earth against the new proposal to expand agribusiness monocultures of trees for timber, pulp, biofuels and carbon sequestration in soils poor in Latin America. We are called to denounce the new threats and to assess devastated ecosystems or in extreme danger. We must discover the global extractive career speculating with our territories. Now, we are proposing large-scale afforestation, also backed by carbon credits, a project that is the continuation of the aggressive nature we have experienced so far.

neocolonial relations in the transnational corporations and global capitalism down our country, replacing the values \u200b\u200bof life for accounting equations. Establishes criteria for growth and scale, which pays tribute to technology and progress, and loses, every promise of justice, and good living of our peoples. The result of these submissions to the globalized powers are new units, the loss of identity and widespread unhappiness. The huge ecological debt that mortgages the environment, involves the fate of future generations ... while companies take on Climate Change meetings to promote new and more terrifying business.
post at this stage of globalization, markets, licenses and alleged corporate knowledge, green makeup, and complications are the new rules. Large NGO and environmentalism willing to cover the domain of international mechanisms, have become complicit in the policies drawn from the Corporate Social Responsibility. The idea of \u200b\u200bsovereignty has been deleted from the discourses and agendas, but there is ample space for biotech sovereignty. These are the rights they claim our leaders, to have royalties and patented by custom productions, in order to replicate on other countries, models of pollution and looting. The rule of science stifles business and ignores human nature. Who are the decision makers, who are expendable? Core countries they choose ... they choose to build this model of domination, are co-inhabitants of the world, but decide what will happen to the world ... In a globalized world governed by rules rail of consumerism, war industry and extractive systems, which consume less, would necessarily be the expendable, the new wretched of the earth .. .

The Biotech Revolution, is the continuation of the "Green Revolution" that applied in agriculture the war criteria, toxic inputs and mechanization resulting from the two world wars. The Green Revolution and then biotechnology has produced hunger, displacement, and untold misery in a world drawn into a process of increasing climate change and environmental disasters. The hungry than the billion and the expulsion of peasant populations from their territories continues, and so catastrophic increases food insecurity. In an era of depletion of fossil resources, we could assume that the completion of the great source of energy that oil meant for humans, causing collapses difficult to predict, and this model casts territories tax their huge populations and megalopolis of poverty and overcrowding, can mean a terrible trap for a large part of the world's population.

Collective Stop Spraying Cordoba

GRR (Gpo. Rural Reflection)





(Committee on management of native forests)

Convened Institutions COTBN participants: Chairs of Ecology Agricultural Extension Rural Fringe Agroecosystem Management and Environmental Issues of the National University of Cordoba (UNC), Federación Agraria Argentina, Movimiento Campesino de Córdoba, INTA, FUNAM, University Extension Department UNC, Grupo de Reflexion Rural Regions, Social Agricultural Program, College of Agricultural Engineering, School of Biology, UNC, Department of Tourism of the province, Argentine Ecosystem NGOs, advisers of the Provincial Legislature, Multidisciplinary Institute of Plant Biology (CONICET) , Centre for Ecology and Renewable Natural Resources UNC, UNC Center for Applied Zoology, UNC Mountain Open Classroom, National University of Río Cuarto, University of Villa María, Universidad de Congreso, Escalera Group, Forum of Los Ríos, INADI, CEDHA, Project Conservation and Reforestation of the Sierras de Córdoba, Conydes Foundation, Association of Friends of the River San Antonio, Free Stone Group, Grupo de Reflexion Rural (GRR), Collective Stop spraying, and student groups.

The Zoning Commission of the Native Forests of Cordoba (COTBN), which involves scientists, technicians, producers and NGOs from over 30 institutions (UNC, UNRC National Parks, Agricultural Federation, INADI, CEDHA, peasant movements, Inta, among many others) was formed to regulate the National Forestry Act in Cordoba.

lung and we are working to reach consensus about a project Law on Protection of Native Forests in Cordoba, in the spirit to stop the deforestation, eviction of peasants, protect and recover the remaining forest (less than 5% of what was originally in the province). There were seven workshops across the province to ensure the participation of all stakeholders, it became a public hearing attended by over 1000 people and the law was submitted to the Secretariat of Environment of the province in June this year. They slept until a few days when submitted to the Legislature, but next to it a draft prepared by an illegitimate CARTEZ minority, which supports and facilitates clearing the exclusion of the peasants. This group is pushing for approval of your project and we are trying to get the COTBN legitimate law approving it before is not a single tree in Cordoba.


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