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ending impunity
Details of some of the causes for pollution
1. Cause illegal spraying Annex Intuzaingó
Judge No. 7 Control, Dr. Esteban Diaz, after having in his hands for more than 7 months the case brought by the City Córdoba in which it was found two producers and an exterminator spraying air being made illegal in Ituzaingó District, ordered the dismissal of the three defendants: the farmers Jorge Alberto Gabrielli (48) and Francisco Rafael Parra (53), and the trader, pilot, Jorge Edgardo Pancillo. It is recalled that the complaint to the provincial administration of justice was done by the municipality before the report of the Director of Neighborhood Clinic Ituzaingó Annex. Also that these same producers are those who have been repeatedly reported since 2002 despite ordinances and laws are sprayed to distances prohibited, prohibited products and are prohibited (aerial spraying). Gabrielli and Parra were indicted as the alleged instigators of the crime of pollution, while Pancello is charged with responsibility for the same act, it would have been who was responsible fumigation of the fields.
According to research conducted by the Prosecutor Carlos Matheu, who holds the charge in the public interest and rights of individuals, the spraying occurred between late January and early February 2008, in fields planted to soybeans. After expertise by the Office and with the participation of the Laboratory of INTEC-CONICET Universidad Nacional del Litoral, the test revealed that chemicals were used in the toxicological class Ib (endosulfan) and IV (glyphosate), which violates Article 58 of the Agrochemicals Act of the Province of Córdoba, No. 9164. This rule prohibits the use air of both products within a radius less than 1,500 meters (endosulfan) and 500 meters (glyphosate), respectively, away from the urban population, as it is health hazardous chemicals. The crime is being blamed for under Article 55 of Law 24,051 of hazardous waste, which punishes with imprisonment or imprisonment of three to 10 years, which "using waste referred to this Act, Poisons , alters or contaminates a health hazard as soil, water, atmosphere or environment in general. " They were surprisingly for Dr. Diaz, the evidence collected does not allow checking the existence of the alleged crimes.
Matheu Attorney appealed, questioning the fundamentals of Diaz, considering that no evidence for trial. Now the prosecutor of the indictment of the city of Córdoba, Jorge Leiva, must decide whether or not to continue investigating a case of contamination by illegal pesticide spraying that affects neighboring Ituzaingó Annex neighborhood. http://www.lavoz.com.ar/nota. asp? Nota_id = 571130
2. Poisoning Cause of fruits and vegetables in the Wholesale Market in the City of Cordoba.
digital Critical reported in September: "The investigation began after the publication, on 12 February this year newspaper La Voz del Interior - a complaint by the Environmental Forum Córdoba on that the province carried out the checks required by the law and suggested the City monitor the presence of 44 pesticides. "We have no idea how serious is the problem. There are no studies in Cordoba on the content of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables, " Federico explained kopt from the Forum.
Day to Day on April 16 reported: "The investigation initiated ex officio by the Attorney Carlos Matheu for April quinteros and charged to the owner of SENASA Córdoba, Jorge Gerhauser. "The cause is in charge of fiscal Carlos Matheu, who after a series of reviews commissioned from the University of Litoral able to determine the presence of chlorpyrifos and endosulfan, two hazardous pesticides in samples of kale, spinach, lettuce, apple, peach, potato and tomatoes. " On July 30, 2007, Channel 3 reported that the Attorney Carlos Matheu ordered to inspect the offices of the Ministry of Health and Address Environment, Trade and Markets and Food Control. On September 16, La Voz del Interior said: "The mayor of Córdoba, Daniel Giacomino, was accused of" abuse of authority "and" negligent distribution of goods hazardous to health "for the cause in which values \u200b\u200bwere detected not allowed of pesticides in vegetables and fruits Abasto Market in the city of Cordoba. The mayor must report at noon today with the prosecutor Carlos Matheu. So will the director of the county fairs and markets, Nicolás García. Both officials expressed their willingness to cooperate with Justice. Garcia is charged with "failure of duties of public officials "and" wrongful sale or distribution of goods hazardous to health. "
September 29, La Voz del Interior reported: "Judicial sources to LAVOZ.com.ar stated that the prosecutor sought the lifting Carlos Matheu (a trial) on Friday and will be the judge Augustine Control Spina Gómez you should consider whether and continues the process or if the situation should be reviewed some of the defendants. Besides Giacomino and local officials of the National Health Service and Food Quality (SENASA), are charged the director of the county fairs and markets, Nicolás García, and only two of the Supply Market Quinteros, after one of the three who were involved from the start was dismissed. " The research showed that did not develop the controls (Ordinance 8849 quality control in the meat market and SENASA Resolution 148/07) and was poisoning the people of Cordoba with fruits and vegetables with pesticides.
October 2, Córdoba Today reports that "Judge Spina Control Agustín Gómez Carlos Matheu away the Prosecutor of the case (" Master Robert and other PSSA. Intentional poisoning of foodstuffs ") by the presence of toxins in fruits and vegetables which were attributed to local officials Giacomino and SENASA ... Garcia, Director of Exhibitions and Markets Matheu had recused because his attorney, Jorge Cabral Arias, had begun in 1995 juri Attorney at the request of former officer Julio Cesar Araoz and therefore claimed that there was "enmity." Matheu rejected this pose but Spina Gómez found that the order was appropriate, "Mathew pushed to the cause and appointed by it to the Prosecutor Liliana Copello.
3. Cause Canal Córdoba Los Molinos
Thiscase begins with a criminal complaint in June of this year by the Córdoba Coordinator in Defense of Water and Life (CCODAV) against Aguas Cordobesas provincial and municipal officials on the sale of water contaminated with pesticides from Bower Plant the entire area south of the city of Cordoba.
The complaint contends that he to drinking water supply for the population of the city of Córdoba is organized into two systems: a) the north to channel water from the San Roque dam and water intake under the power plant of La Calera, which feeds the water treatment plants and Alto Alberdi Suquía b) SOUTH with water from a canal that takes water from the dam Los Molinos and feeds the Mills Water Treatment Plant, located near Bower.
channel since mills to Bower plant carries water to be consumed by the population of Córdoba that inhabits the area south of this city is an open channel since its inception in Dique Los Molinos to Water Treatment Plant covers a distance of 64 km approximately 360,000 inhabitants of Córdoba consume water from this channel.
The channel develops its path through an area devoted entirely to agriculture. The fields are situated on both banks of the canal seed starting as from a distance is never more than eight (8) meters and if less than in much of its route. It was built for irrigation purposes the crops. Between 1996 and 1997 with the privatization of water management in Cordoba, it was decided that the water fed Mills Water Treatment Plant, ie were used as drinking water for human consumption by the company Aguas Codobesas.
The text of the labels of pesticides, Rand up, Herbifen and Dual Gold and other brands contain harsh recommendations for use and precautions for the disposal of its packaging, ie, the same manufacturers of agro-toxic, they recommend the products or their packaging pollute waterways, canals, wells, canals, ditches. This is because the great strength of these products into the water. Precisely, given the existence of the rains, the agro-toxic is constructed to be highly resistant diluted in water.
treatment of raw water channel consists of a mechanical cleaning process with bars of different measures that the release of bodies larger as leaves, branches and other solids, the removal of odors and flavors are made with the addition of activated carbon, an element commonly used in the food industry, which absorbs any odor or taste. Then decanters separate water from mud, leaving the water clear and is ready for the filtering stage. The sand filters remove the last particles of turbidity. The process is completed with chlorinated water and adding lime to the effects of bacterial disinfection and microorganisms. At the entrance of the plant, you can also see large dose of copper sulfate and hydrochloric acid. This treatment makes no reference whatsoever for contamination of pesticides described. Also, to date there is no provincial or public laboratory for testing and that tests are performed by the same company with a private consultant in Buenos Aires. The analysis does not include the pesticides commonly used today.
The complaint identified as responsible to the provincial government in its capacity as holder of the Public Water Supply as its power Concendente Comptroller and Water Dealer Cordoba S: A:, the State Council for breach of Power Police in a material respect and vital to the life of the inhabitants of this city of Cordoba as the Water Supply and Water Cordobesas company.
The cause was fragmented and sent to the prosecutor of Rio Tercero and Alta Gracia, Cordoba capital, was in the hands of Attorney Criminal Courts, and Anti-Corruption Economic Hugo Amayusco Province. No progress has been made in the investigation.
4. Great City Location of Villa Park, Calamuchita
Commune of Villa Park City Great General issued Resolution 03/2009 adopted on January 15, 2009, considering l you several cases where the application of chemicals meant for the health damage verifiable and the same sense of justice judgments in favor of the affected community aimed at restricting the use of toxics, also installed and growing doubt about the meaning agrochemicals insecurity for people and ecosystems in all measures required precautionary and that responsibility and priority of this community to ensure the safety of people, without harming local economies in one way or another rely on the use of agrochemicals. Adhering to the constitutional principles embodied in Article 41 and 43 of the Constitution, the Law 24051 Hazardous Waste, Article 55 and 56, 9164 Provincial Law on chemical or biological For agricultural use and environmental principles enshrined in the General Environmental Law: Precautionary Principle, Precautionary Principle, Principle of intergenerational equity principle of progressive Responsibility Principle, Principle of Sustainability. Even the preamble of the resolution recognized that Calamuchita Valley has been declared a water reserve under provincial law N No. 8844 and Reservation Recreation under Provincial Law No. 8845 by the importance of Water Resources have this valley and that the topography and soil of the territory are not suitable for the implementation of certain types of crops as they may affect soil structure and permanence. The resolution in its Article 1 PROHIBITED within the ejido in the municipality of Villa Park City the aerial application of chemicals or biological products for agricultural use and / or forest, in Article 2, the ground application of chemicals or biological agricultural use and / or forest within a radius of 1500 meters (1500m), from the urban boundary and / or housing, as well as fountains and streams. And stipulating hours of application in the designated areas, from 06.00 to 08.00 h. .. In Article 8, the resolution establishes a regime of alternative activities Promotion of organic production, plant and animal biodiversity and respect without negative impact on the environment, which is exempt from municipal business taxes for 10 years after enactment of this ordinance.
A zone producer filed injunction not to comply with the Ordinance and Garzón J udge Rio Tercero, 2 nomination court in civil cases is granted, basing the urgent need to work from this producer. Autoconvocados neighbors of Villa Park City, after their bodies stop fumigation being done in the urban area, environmental protection presented a Thursday 19 November. The injunction that sought to suspend the spraying was rejected by the same Judge Garzón. On 26 November, the spraying again 24d and neighbors to stop them. The recipe plant was not received or by the Commune and by Agriculture but by the police. In the presence of neighbors to stop spraying again, the police attacked with bullets to the neighbors and one of them jailed on his way to his home. The intervention of the Attorney Ramonina Rio Tercero suspended fumigation.
In the Assembly of the Collective Stop Spraying Córdoba on Saturday November 21 decided to call that all groups participate in a special session to discuss possible strategies to be developed in these situations. The meeting will be Thursday, December 3 from 9:30 to 13:30 at the headquarters of Citizenship Project, General Paz 154 2 nd floor. Contacts: mauricio.berger @ gmail.com and cecicarrizosineiro@yahoo.com. Ar
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