Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Supplementary Angles Real World


Activities Schedule XI Meeting of the Union of Citizens Assemblies, Cordoba (capital) December 11,12,13



Pucara (a 3cuadras Bus Terminal)
View Map 11 uac organization in an enlarged map

Friday 11: 9:30 am

. Complex hosting and accreditation in Pucara, located at 1221 Augustine


10:30 hs. Workshops: IIRSA
Part One: Land and Agribusiness - Córdoba Coordinator in Defense of Water and Life (CCODAV)
food sovereignty workshop -Córdoba Peasant Movement (MCC) and Chair for Food Sovereignty in La Plata.
Environmental law and criminalization of protest - Committee UAC's legal and REDAJ (Legal Assistance Network).
Urban Pollution. Forum for Health and Environment of Vicente López and Assembly of Ciudad Evita, participants interbasin and OSABAIRES Space.

Workshop Socialization of the history and struggles of the UAC and internal training. (first time) (Coordinated by the standing committee on training of the UAC).

14 hours. Lunch

15 hours.

Workshops Workshop on Communication and Social Change Indymedia Córdoba, but comrades s release from the UAC
digital material for the workshop Communication and social change available in PDF (Clik HERE)
IIRSA-Part II: Mining and Struggles over water Córdoba -Coordinator in Defense of Water and Life (CCODAV), along with comrades of Uruguay s .
Taller de Huerta (bring seeds to share) - (Cordoba Comrades s)
Eurocentric thought Decolonization - Córdoba City
Wake Parties shall respect and sexualities - members of the UAC (Córdoba) Vecin @ s del Faldeo ( Capilla del Monte)
Workshop Socialization of the history and struggles of the UAC and internal training . (Second time) (Coordinated by the standing committee on training of the UAC).

recall that the methodology is participatory workshops at conferences trying to avoid.

18 hours. March.

From Humberto Primero and Canada, where it is located DiPAS (Provincial Department of Water and Sanitation) will continue the march through the streets of Córdoba ...
21 hs. Dinner

Saturday 12:

8.30 am: Breakfast

9 am: Opening.

9.30 am: A Brief Introduction "Iconoclasistas." Return delMapeo control and environmental conflicts country. "The image is a means of representation of reality (which avoids the literal because it strengthens the multiplicity of meanings that refers) but also a means of understanding it." In turn, they bring pideque a survey of issues socio-environmental in their area, to continue the mapping that had been developed since the UAC of Jujuy and work during the days of the meeting.


10 am: Division groups.

10.15 pm: First work on commissions

Bearing in mind the following points:
urban problems.

14 hours. Lunch

15 hours. Second committee work

Taking the areas of work that emerged in the 10 th UAC held in Jujuy, intend to work with questions from the following:

internal organization

21 pm. Cultural Festival and dinner

Sunday 12:

9 am. Whole

14 hours. Lunch
17 hours. Close

Activities around the meeting

. Mapping of environmental conflicts and struggles for Iconoclasistas
. Collective Mural - was held in wall surrounding the place.
. Fair self-management "Fair raw" fair publications, books, dvd, cd, crafts and products developed in the complex autogestionados.A Pucara. During the three day meeting. We invite organizations, meetings and groups to bring their products, and if you need any special infrastructure for the fair, you let us know.

Activities to confirm schedule. Meeting of the Standing Committees of the UAC:
Press and Publications. Training Workshop

Socialization of the history and struggles of the UAC and return. Standing Committee on Education of the UAC

not forget to bring bedding and eating utensils.

and confirm as soon as possible, by the issue of accommodation and meals.

Organising Committee for the XI UAC:

Trashumantes University, Southern Seed, COODAV (UniDhos, Eco.socialistas, MTR Cba), Peperina Rebel Comrades s Independent.

http://www. construyendolauacencordoba. /
Organization of the UAC 11 in Cordoba
11 to December 13

Córdoba Capital logouacvertical

UAC 11th Córdoba
Organization http:// construyendolauacencordoba. /
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