Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Vocab Answeres Level E

IX Encuentro de Pueblos fumigation in the province of Cordoba

IX Encuentro de Pueblos fumigation in the province of Cordoba

2 ° Cs Training Day. Environmental

1 Fumigated Art Exhibition

October 24, 2009, IPEM 113 "Brigadier General JF Quiroga" Cañada de Luque. Department Totoral

9:00 am. Training Day:


- CONICET Researchers Teachers Group, the Department of Toxicology and Genetics, Department of Cs. QCAS. FCAS. and Nes. Univ Nac De Rio IV. (Dr. Delia Aiassa, Dr. Fernando Mañas, Dr. Nora Gorla)

Pesticides: Applications and biological effects within the project "Population Genotoxic biomonitoring Human Córdoba and Wildlife Exposed to Pesticides "

- Dr. Carlos Seara, Geologist Hydrogeology expert by the United Nations:

Water Contamination Risk pesticides.

- Mr. John V. Sánchez, Professor, Chair of Aropecuarios Systems, School of Cs. Agricultural. UNC.

Productions Agroecological Alternatives

certificates will be issued to teachers and professionals involved.

The event features educational score.

17:30 pm Assembly of Peoples of Cordoba sprayed


  • Judicial Assessment of Pollution Cause Open Pit Canal del Dique Los Molinos
  • Group Status of Teachers Collective fumigated
  • Next the UAC Participation in Cordoba
  • Environmental Impact Assessment and Health in charge of City in Ba. Ituzaingo.
  • New Strategies in Oncativo Driven, by La Minga
  • Possible next meeting in Bellville.
  • teacher training project for rural schools
  • Other

Throughout the meeting will be on display works by artist Susana Palomas, SILOSINIESTROS installation. Among other things, that artists choose to bring to share.

lunch will be based on choripán and Vegetapan, at cost. Anyway, everybody can bring their own packed lunch to share with everyone.

Carry Tent and sleeping bag to sleep in the Dispensary, and follow the assembly the next day morning.
Overnight, it lead guitar and cute little music.

Organize and convene.

Stop Spraying Collective Córdoba

Teachers Autoconvocados Cañada de Luque


www.parendefumigar.blogspot. Com


Teachers' Union of the Province of Cordoba.


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