Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cervix Is Hard Can I Still Be Pregnant

Trapped in the spiral of a fork Italian menu degustació

With certain friends whose motivation to eat right between us, we have our own "tasting", a simple network based on word of mouth to share information on good discoveries, or developments are new restaurants in dishes that deserve revisiting.

Before Christmas one of the leading members of the brotherhood of good food that I deserve more credibility, strongly recommended to visit the Forchetta, almost as if he had discovered a shortcut to heaven. Given the size of the racket it did not take even one day in the historic address to the experience.

Forchetta is located in one of the successful rehabilitation in the old town to recover more than the facade, its interior is beautiful, especially the top floor with a VIP lounge that invites you to organize celebrations, stunning pendant with wine bottles and the terrace where you can admire the main square in the historic area.

Welcome The foccacia for dipping in olive oil was up to the details in place, such as steel fork (the forchetta) spiral that holds the cloth napkin to remind the name of restaurant. Everything worked according to plan and we thought of a great night, we ask exactly what my friend recommended and thereafter the illusions went off because although the food was not bad, not found in any of the snacks the keys of St. Peter they opened the gates of heaven. Just the enthusiasm faded in dishes without surprise or emotion.

In his recent deserve a new opportunity opening for what the settings of kitchen equipment and the recent presence in Panama of the Italian chef. I will be attentive to the comments of my network of informers and dumped in Taste to feed new illusions and power some day soon and explain a happy ending as we see the world from a cloud of ravioli. Http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping http://www.to2blogs.com/ping/xmlrpc/f284ce27ac0fe92a11c23c6c3e80f46b55370232


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