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Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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PLACE: Aula Magna - Inst Manuel Belgrano - Av Sarmiento Seeber and
ORGANIZER: Neighbours Brinkmann ... For a Healthy Environment ...
"The earth is not a heritage that we have given our parents, we borrow it to give our children "
. All residents have the right to enjoy a healthy and balanced environment fit for human development ... Constitution Article 41
not miss the opportunity to discuss this issue
Saturday 27
November 10 hs. Assembly group "Stop the Spraying"
17 hours. Charla debate for a healthier environment
1 °). Dr. Medardo Avila Vázquez
- President of 1 Meeting of Peoples Medical College fumigated
Medical Sciences National University of Córdoba
- Coordinator of the Module on Social Determinants of Health, the Department of Pediatrics. Faculty of Medical Sciences National University of Cordoba.
- Ex-sub. Secretary of Health of the City of Cordoba.
"Pesticides and Health"
2 °). Dr. Elizabeth Tesan
- Medical Specialist Pediatric Surgeon
"What you see and hide in everyday medicine sprayed areas
3 °). Biologist Stella Luque - Biologist. Professor in Biological Sciences. Teaching the course "Observation and analysis of agricultural systems "Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Researcher at the university. Regular Member of the Technical Commission for the treatment Forest Act Forest Land Management.
" The loss of native forests in Córdoba irreversible effects leaves us "
4 °) Agricultural Angel Bel
- Agronomist. Teachers. Beekeeping Technical Advisory Group on Rural Change.
beekeeper Vision Environmental Impact Bee Production.
5 °). Gabriel Agronomist Vairolatti
- Agricultural Engineer - Producer Beekeeping
"Disadvantages of Agrochemicals in beneficial insects. Alternatives to the use of pesticides "
6 °). Mark Tomasoni
- Chemical Engineering. Area integral Cooperative Working Environment The Minga. Residents invited member of Oncativo Auto. Stop Spraying member of Córdoba.
"The fundamentals of the draft Ordinance Oncativo popular initiative"
7 °). Team Southern Cross. Córdoba
"emergency management and disaster risks, assumptions about the action of Agrochemicals and Fertilizers."
press and open debate audience
------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- From Cordoba there
a bus leaving the terminal at 6 hours. Brinkmann would reach at 10 and 20 or so.
For inquiries: 03564-15587843
contacts: mariana_vmf@hotmail.com - loli244@hotmail.com
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Artists Who Use Fruit
Lions - Cordova
"The Earth is not a legacy we have given our parents, we borrow
we to give our children "
Activity Schedule Saturday 13 November:
· 10:00 pm: Assembly group" Stop the Spraying "Modifications Provincial Law 9164. Proposal of people sprayed.
· 17:00 pm: Lecture debate for a healthier environment
1) Stella Luque Biologist: Biologist
. Professor in biological sciences. Teaching the course "Observation and analysis of agricultural systems at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, National University of Cordoba. Researcher at the university. Full member of the Forest Technical Committee for the treatment of the Law on Forest Land Management.
Speak on "The loss of native forests in Córdoba irreversible effects leaves us "
2) engineer Marcos Tomasoni:
Chemical Engineering. Area integral Cooperative Working Environment The Minga. Neighborhood integral Autoconvocados of Oncativo. Stop Spraying member-Córdoba. Will speak on "The fundamentals of the proposed initiative ordinance Oncativo popular."
3) Dr. Dario Avila:
Lawyer. Ex-Deputy Director of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Health of the Municipality of Cordova. Private complainant in the criminal case on environmental pollution Ituzaingó Quarter Annex of the City of Cordoba. Will Speak in the "Cause Ituzaingó Quarter Annex"
4) Dr. Alvaro Mendez:
Medical Marcos Juarez City .. ENT Specialist Member of environmental organizations such as the CAPA (Centre for Primary Care Setting) and Stop Spraying - Córdoba. Will speak on "Pesticides and Health"
5) Dr. Elizabeth Tesan:
Surgeon Specialist in Pediatrics. Will speak on "What you see and what is hidden in everyday medicine sprayed areas"
6) to Open Space Representatives fumigation of different peoples in the province of Córdoba participants of this meeting for the exhibition of work experience.
not miss a unique opportunity in our city to inform and discuss this serious problem.
Location: IPEM 256 "Lib. General Don José de San Martín. " (General Roca 724 - Lions)
Organised by: Residents Lions Autoconvocados
Monday, October 25, 2010
Power Of Attorney Dubai
Ville Bell - Bell Circle City Medical
Saturday 30 October from 10am.
17 pm - Panel on AGROTÓXICOSy healthy food production.
Health and Environment Legislation and control
alternative organic production
Medical Circle
Chair in Agricultural Systems
Agroecology Group, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences - UNC
Environment Area of \u200b\u200bthe Coop. Working The Minga. Member of Autoconvocadxs Vecinxs
a Healthy Environment Oncativo
Mothers Group B º Ituzaingó Annex,
City of Cordoba.
-Coordinator of the Center for Southeast Beekeepers Cordoba. Pesticides or bee
local agroecological experiences, ranging from two to four hectares. ----------------------------------------
Important: Confirm presence until Thursday 28 to calculate lunch!
Monday, August 30, 2010
W.m. Rogers And Son Silverware

The President of Argentina: Dr. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the people of the Peoples of Argentina fumigated, the entire Argentine people:
Members health teams sprayed Peoples of Argentina, together with scientists, researchers and academics convened by the Faculty of Medical Sciences in the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, as well as students of the University Reform of 1918, we an obligation, we, of call all things by the name they have . So we say:
That, as the inhabitants of sprayed People have been denouncing for several years, aggression is very important to human health in populations of the localities under constant spraying in Argentina, and that the situation is worsening daily.
That severe diseases such as cancers, spontaneous abortions, fertility problems and birth of children with congenital malformations are detected far more frequently. That respiratory, endocrine, neurological, hematological and psychological are also much more common in populations systematically sprayed as a result of the current agro-production model.
That this situation began to observe the implementation of agro-production practice, including the massive use of chemical pesticides.
That the use of pesticides is increasing every year, and that increased consumption grew at 14 percent by 1000.
That the villagers fumigated (12 million) are directly spraying with these poisons, because they are done on their homes by air or by land to the very limit of their homes and localities.
That the phenomenon we observe is repeated relentlessly in all provinces where this practice is carried out productive.
That research data published in international refereed journals, in experimental models with various pesticides, including glyphosate, provide a strong plausibility that biological causation explain the clinical manifestations observed in our patients.
That systematic review of clinical and epidemiological observation, well constructed, generates evidence that is strong and consistent enough to recognize that exposure to pesticides increases the risk of adversely affecting human health through a wide range of situations involving exposure to vulnerable populations.
which progress is urgent in the public restrictions on pesticide use, and that within a few months in the sowing of soybean, it began again to poison people massively fumigated Peoples of Argentina.
It is necessary to apply the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE established in the General Environment Law No. 25,675, Art4 º .-, which says: Where there are threats of serious or irreversible lack of information or scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures, cost, to prevent environmental degradation.
require the President to the Nation, the Minister of Health and the Minister of the Interior to protect the health and lives of the people of the Peoples spraying and fumigation immediately PROHIBITED air throughout the national territory, as established in the European Union, and restrict them away from the limited ground spraying of urban plants peoples.
urge the National Congress to try and adopt laws that prohibit aerial spraying across the country, the land away from people and are considered to spraying illegal crimes against health and the environment.
summon all medical schools in the country and all public universities to join us in defending the right to life, health and healthy environment, to demand that urgent action is taken we claim and, we ask that stimulate research and extension programs on this issue and develop environmental health content in the various educational bodies.
believe that in addition to stop spraying, it should also ban the use of any pesticide mode of toxicological classes I and II and put into question the current model of agro-industrial production and transgenic and search systems to social and cultural integration and the defense and reproduction of the ecological conditions of our environment.
Finally, we call on all members of health teams in general, students, neighbors peoples and all understand that in this democracy need to be prioritized values \u200b\u200bsuch as health and the environment on economic and commercial interests of large companies and groups such as Monsanto or the seed pools, to generate a current of opinion in defense the health of people and participate in the Forum fumigated Argentine Health and Environment is constituted .-
Córdoba, August 27, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Marriage Invitation Wordings
Activities Program
Hall, Pavilion Argentina. Ciudad Universitaria.
09-9.30hs. Opening of Meeting:
Dr. Medardo Avila Vázquez, Meeting Coordinator
Dr. Eduardo Maturana, Secretary General of ADIUC
Prof. Dr. Gustavo L. Irico , Dean Faculty of Medical Sciences
09.30-11am. Table 1: Pesticides and Health
Dr. Andres Carrasco (D irector Laboratory Molecular Embryology UBA, CONICET)
Dr. Raul Horacio Lucero (Je faith Molecular Biology Laboratory, UNNE)
Dr. Rodolfo E. Paramo (pediatrician and neonatologist: Malabrigo. Santa Fe)
11.30-13hs. Presentation of experiences and situations
14 - 15.30hs. Table 2: Pesticides and Cancer
Dr. Coni Fita. (Córdoba Tumor Registry Director, Govt. Province of Cordoba)
Dr. Analía Otaño. (People's Health Network and a delegate of the Ministry of Health of the Nation in the Chaco)
Dr. Maria del Pilar Díaz. (Director of Environmental Cancer Epidemiology, UNC)
Moderators: Dr. Ariel Depetris, Dr. Raul Nieto
16 - 17.30hs. Presentation of work, experiences and situations
17.30-19.30hs. Table 3 : agricultural production system and its alternatives
Eng Agron. Daniel Caceres (Chair Prof. Agricultural Systems, UNC. CONICET))
Eng Agron. Xavier de Souza. (UBA and RAP-AL)
Biol Fernando Barri (COTBN - UNC)
Moderators: Prof. Carlos letter, Dr. Cabrera Fasolis Betiana
21 - 24 hour informal meeting, pies and drinks in local ADIUC
(Félix Olmedo 2294, B º Rogelio Martinez, I: 4691439)
SATURDAY August 28
Graduate Secretary, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University City.
9.00 - 10.30hs. Mesa 4: congenital malformations, endocrine disruptors and pesticides.
Trombotto Gladys. (Geneticist, Maternity UNC)
Dr. Hugo Gomez Demaio. (Head Serv. Pediatrics, Posadas - Misiones)
Dr. Alejandra E. Geres. (Endocrinologist - UNC)
Prof. Daniel Quiroga. (Prof. Titular UNC Department of Pediatrics)
Moderators: Dr. Cecilia Marchesi, Dr. Medardo Avila Vázquez
10.30 - 11.15hs teratogenic effects of glyphosate.
Professor Andrés Carrasco (UBA, CONICET)
11.15 - 13hs. Final Plenary: Proposed work.
Network Organization for research, monitoring and dissemination.
Generation of a forum or association of health workers in villages sprayed or Health and Environment.
Next meeting.
PAPERS, experience and status.
Friday 27
11.30-13hs. Moderators: Dr. Ariel Depetris, Dr. Fernando Suarez
Program Epidemic Intelligence 2009. Secretary of University Extension. Faculty of Medical Sciences. Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
Department of Statistics and Biometrics. Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Av Velez Sarsfield 299. 5000 Córdoba. Argentina.
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, UNC
16 - 17.30hs. Moderators: Dr. Ricardo Fernandez, Dr. Medardo Avila Vazquez
National University of Río Cuarto)
DR. FERNANDA Simoniello
Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
Sáenz Peña, Chaco.
Marcos Juarez, Córdoba
For several years the residents of rural areas, often accompanied by their médicxs and other members of health teams, are claiming that they feel that the collective health of their communities is affected and that environmentally is worsening daily.
B º. Ituzaingo in Cordoba, San Jorge in Santa Fe, San Nicolas Buenos Aires, La Leon in the Chaco are just some of the places where the increased incidence of cancers, birth defects, and reproductive endocrine disorders and detecting been suffering since the systematic spraying with pesticides became an everyday occurrence, with the imposition of the current model of rural production.
the 22 million hectares of transgenic crops in Argentina, home to more than 7 million people who receive a sufficient share of the 300 million liters of pesticides are sprayed annually.
To share our experiences in order to recognize the common concern for the health of our patients in order to analyze in a scientific academic and the serious health and environmental situation of the rural communities of transgenic field is that call on the 1 st National Meeting of the health teams sprayed Peoples.
All members of health teams (enfermerxs, psicologxs, social trabajadorxs, physiotherapists, nutritionists, bioquimicxs, auxiliary administrative, health and medicxs promotorxs) of people in rural areas subject to systematic fumigation in Argentina.
And all the other members of health teams and students who are interested in the problem and wish to accompany, learning, solidarity and comment on the problem of linking agro-industrial production of GM crops and collective health condition.
Organizing Committee
Vazquez Medardo Avila Dr. Ariel Depetris
Gustavo Calzolari Fernando Suarez Med
Betiana Cabrera Med Fasolis
Academic Committee
Dr. Ariel Depetris: Epidemiologist (former) OPS
Prof. Dr. Carlos Note: Professor of Semiology, UNC
Prof. Dr. Carlos Presman: Clinical Professor Medical
UNC Prof. Dr. Daniel Quiroga: Professor of Pediatrics, UNC
Dr. Ricardo Fernandez: Toxicologist. Teaching Pediatrics, UCC
Cecilia Marchetti: Module Coordinator Environmental Medicine, UNC
Social Determinants of Health, the Department of Pediatrics. Department of Pediatric Clinic, Catedra
Semiology (Clinica Medica I)
Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
ADIUC (Association of Teachers and Researchers at the University of Córdoba).
Blood Products Laboratory. UNC.
Electricity and Energy Union of Cordoba. ATE
Córdoba. CTA
FEMEC. (Medical Federation of the Province of Córdoba.)
RAP AL. (Pesticide Action Network and Alternatives for Latin America.)
1 - Pesticides and
health 2 - Cancer Epidemiology
3 - Epidemiology of Congenital Malformations
4 - Is there an alternative to polluting production system and the sick (unhealthy)?
5 - field work proposals. Creating a network of village health teams fumigated. Link Extension Faculty / towns sprayed