Sheet Survey data illnesses suffered by people as a result environmental impact
- Full Name (optional)
- DNI (optional)
- Sex:
- Age:
- Place of Residence (Provincia. Department. City):
- Home Address (optional):
- TE (optional)
- Diseases suffering at the time of the survey:
- Assistance Centers where member:
- Year when the first symptoms occurred
- Year he was diagnosed
- Place where diagnosis was made:
- What is the main economic activity of the place?
- are planted transgenic crops (soybeans, corn, potatoes, etc)?
- Since when performing this type of planting?
- What is sown today?
- There cereal gathering places?
- Where are you located?
- fumigations are conducted in urban or rural place of residence?
- resides How far from where you make the spraying?
- Which agro chemical spraying?
- schools exist in the place, how far seencuentran sprayed areas?
- Where are deposited agro-chemical containers filled?
- Where they end up empty containers?
- What are the elements used to fumigate?
- Who made the spraying
- How to protect people and the environment in the spraying
- humans are involved to mark the site of the spraying?
- What other occupation are these people?
- What is the average age of those doing the fumigation work?
- complaints have been made because of spraying in the City or Courts?
- Which result?
- exist in the place other activities that could produce an impact on the environment?
- What?
This file has been compiled by Dr Raúl Enrique Martín, ID: 8538585, MP: 10,936, to make it available to the general public and medical professionals in particular, those in charge of health the population in sprayed areas.
This instrument is useful to conduct empirical research, which can serve as benchmarks for other larger studies in the field of science statistics.
should be noted that some significant data to develop a description of the people spraying, where the respondent resides, will be investigated and corroborated by looking for who made the questions.
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